Studio Policies
Our objective at New Focus is to provide the utmost professional training to children and teens in all genres of dance at every level. Not only will each student grow as a dancer, but they will also be instilled with confidence, self-worth, self-gratification, and motivation to become the best person possible!
Please contact the studio to communicate any absences either by calling 330-880-5034, or emailing at newfocusdance@gmail.com.
Please sign-up for classes through your Parent Portal
A $20 registration fee per student is required to secure your spot.
A credit card must be on file at the time of registration.
Tuition is based on a monthly schedule with the automatic withdrawal on the 1st of every month.
The dance season is divided into nine payments with the first payment due September 1 and the final payment due May 1st.
Dancer’s will not receive costumes if there is a balance on the family account.
If discontinuing classes at New Focus, you must notify the studio via email before the 25th of the month prior to leaving.
New Focus Dance Academy does not offer any refunds. This includes: registration fees, costumes, competition & convention fees, and/or tuition.
In the event that a student is absent from class, they may check with the instructor to see if there is another class to make it up. Refunds will not be given if students are absent.
If inclement weather occurs, an email, text, and announcement will be made on social media.
Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook @newfocusdanceacademy.
Attendance is extremely important for several reasons. For each dancer to grow and receive the best possible instruction at every level it is important to be present every week. If your child is sick or has a school commitment it is important to notify the studio and also let the instructor know. Classes are formed as a building process and the entire group of dancers will grow together as the year progresses. If you are hurt, you may sit and observe class so that you do not fall behind.
NFDA Rules
No food or drink in dance studio. No gum allowed!
No talking during class. If you need to ask a question please raise your hand and the teacher will answer you. Respect for your teacher as well as your peers is essential for a successful classroom environment.
Please use restroom before class to avoid disruptions during class time. If it’s an emergency raise your hand and ask to go to the restroom.
No dangly or large jewelry may be worn during class. Small studs or small drop earrings are permitted. No bracelets (unless medically necessary) no necklaces
No cell phones in dance studio.
Please have hair pulled back & out of face! For ballet hair must be in bun with pins….No messy buns!
Missed classes are expected to be made up. You can make up in any class of the same style at a lower level.
Please call or email the studio for absence. If you are going to be late please inform the studio and/or your teacher. If you are late to class, please enter quietly.
If you are injured you may observe and take notes in place of dancing. You can still learn by watching! If you are injured please inform the teacher before class. Teachers will always make accommodations for you to restore your body!!!
We have a zero tolerance for bullying of any kind. If you are being bullied or made fun of, please let a teacher know as soon as possible so that the situation can be addressed.
Corrections from teachers are great!! A teacher only corrects you because he/she wants to help you improve. A student can only grow with the help of an instructor and a focused dancer!!
Students should always come to the studio with street clothes over their dance clothes. Dance shoes should only be worn in the dance studio not outside. Dancers must wait inside for parents to pick them up.
Students should arrive early to stretch and become focused on their class.
Behavior in the halls & changing rooms should be polite, quiet, and respectful.
Everyone is expected to clean up after themselves. If you make a mess please do not leave it on the floor or benches. Trash cans are provided for your use. This is your 2nd home…Please respect it!
All students are expected to be truthful, straightforward and have integrity when they interact with one another. Our staff will treat all dancers and parents with respect, gratitude, and honor. Older dancers are expected to set a good example and be outstanding role models for the younger students. Nfda will be a friendly and focused dance home!!!